2025 Legislative Session is Underway

[January 12, 2025] | The 2025 legislative session is underway. The first week of session is pretty slow; it's a new two-year term, so there are lots of new people (legislators) to meet. We have to get organized for the next two years.

We will elect the Speaker and others like the Clerk and Speaker ProTem. Committee chairmen will be named, and members will be assigned to the committees. Yes, offices and Chamber seating will be assigned. The lawyers in our legislative counsel's office will be busy writing bills for members to drop, for consideration by the appropriate committee.

Most of the talk will about the budget and waiting for Governor Kemp to come and tell us what his thoughts are and to show us his budget this week.

Number one will be legislation regarding Tort Reform. I don't have to tell you that your insurance rates on everything have gone up, and sometimes even canceled, due to the high risk or poor insurance market in Georgia. You'll see us try to level that playing field so it's fair to all.

You have seen the fire in California this past week, and it should remind you of the terrible destruction of our state by hurricane Helene. We woke up that morning safe in North Georgia, but there have been billions and billions of dollars of damage across our state; and you'll see us working very diligently in the next month or two to help, as we can, our citizens.

School Safety will be a big issue this year. I know there are at least four or five bills that are going to try to correct some of the issues that became evident in the tragic event a few months ago. I think you'll see they'll be thoughtful and meaningful, not just lip service.

We will clear up the confusion about boys in girls' sports at all levels, including college, and prohibit boys from participating in girls' sports.

If you've been watching the news, you saw the big discussions about what's going on in prisons with funding and security. It's a tough issue. We spend approximately $1 billion per year right now incarcerating people, and we don't pay the workers enough, and there are not enough of them. You'll see us invest significantly.

You'll see the legislature work to create an energy plan for Georgia. I know that sounds kind of unusual, but we think we really need to look ahead and plan wisely.

It does get pretty busy in the days ahead; my number one job is to be your voice at the Capitol. I encourage you to visit me at my Capitol office or call me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the bills, the legislative process, or any other measures considered under the Gold Dome.

My Capitol office number is 404-656-7153. My email is rick.jasperse@house.ga.gov. As always, thank you for allowing me to serve as your State Representative.